End your paperwork stress and free up your valuable time…

Avoid getting caught up in the routine tasks of bookkeeping.
The Builder’s Bookkeeper
will sort, organize and handle all your financial paperwork so you can concentrate on what you do best. That is working with customers, increasing sales, saving you time and money and putting you back in control of your own business.

The Builder’s Bookkeeper specializes in meeting all accounting needs and financial reporting for builders, contractors and developers within the greater Townsville area, catering for individual requirements whilst maintaining full confidentiality.

The Builder’s Bookkeeper is owned and operated by Kate Walton.

Kate is a fully registered BAS Agent, has achieved a Certificate IV in Financial Services (Accounting) and is a Member in Practice at the The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers.

For over ten years, Kate has an extensive background in bookkeeping systems, including online and desktop versions of Reckon, Quickbooks, MYOB and Xero.  Kate’s previous experience has been a procurement manager for a commercial Australian construction company based in Australia and overseas.  Kate brings her knowledge from this background to  offer a greater understanding of contractor’s building projects, and their accounting requirements.